So I obviously have to start this blog with these amazing statement photos!!

This vision is all Cambria's. I met her a couple months ago as I tagged along with Kylee B for a quick session in Columbia and its was like instant love. She had a blush tulle skirt and a Mustang shirt on, you could see the fire and spirit in her a mile away. When she asked me to collaborate on this styled shoot I knew I was gunna be fulfilled by the final look. Let alone i wouldn't even know all the added aspects till the photos came in and . My god guys. Look a this magic. Iv been thriving on these dark beauty looks lately. Bold. Fierce. Boss. She showed up more then prepared, with smoked bombs and accents.

her work and contact info can be found on her website at www.cambriacreativephoto.com . and her IG is @CambriaCreativephoto
This Location is at Historic Shadey Lane in Manchester right off I83, it is such a beautiful wedding location and can be rented for bourdoir or photo sessions and is totally worth it, they have an amazing green house, old outdoor pillars and a beautiful little bridal cottage on the grounds next to their main wedding venue.

You really cant get much more magical then this, i love this location!!

I m in love with the vibes of this shoot, the bold beautiful necklaces are made from a Lady in Baltmore, she has such unique amazingly made hand crafted peices that dont compair to mainstream accessories. i was jaw dropped by her work and am eager to work with her in the future and to purchase some goodies for myself as well. you can find her work on ig at @become_spellbound or on her wedsite www.becomespellbound.com .

And of corse dont forget the makeup!! arent these ladies fierce, i love the bold lips and eyes, no competetion and just a well ballanced bold face! and these beautiful flower arrangements are made by Rosemary and Rust, on IG can be found as @rosemaryandrust

I used Aveda on the face for all these ladies, and have Urban Decay Eyes, and all lips are Avedas new Save your Lips line of bold creamy colors and wear all day adn feel great on the lips. Urban Decays lip for the black look.

i dont know how you can acheive dark soft beauty in any other way, the hues, shapes, and shadows ballanced with the right amount of light and pale palletes.